K is for Kingdoms

There were three kingdoms in ancient Egypt, the Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom.

The Old Kingdom

- The earliest pyramids were built in this period, such as the Step Pyramid, which was the first pyramid to be built, and the famous pyramids at Giza.

- This was a prosperous period for ancient Egypt.

- Pharaohs were credited with supernatural powers, and had absolute authority. They were thought to be gods on Earth.

- The sun god Ra was important during this period, and many obelisks were built for him in Egyptian temples.

- Pharaohs were buried in pyramids only in this time period, which is why it is also known as 'The Pyramid Age'.

The Middle Kingdom

- This was Egypt's Golden Age. Trade, the arts and literature thrived, and strong armies were built to fend off Egypt's neighbours.

- During this age, Pharaohs were buried in hidden tombs rather than in pyramids. This is because they realised pyramids are easy to find, and therefore easy to rob.

- These tombs were hidden so well, there are still undiscovered tombs out there to this day.

The New Kingdom

- There was great prosperity in Egypt during the New Kingdom.

- It was Egypt's expansion period. Egypt became a world power, expanding her borders through military conquest.

- During this time period, Pharaohs were all powerful, and were all buried in the same area: the Valley of the Kings.


  1. Egyptology is so interesting. It's sad how great empires and kingdoms can fall from world power, that is if they are a positive and good influence.
    Great post.

  2. Interesting as always. Your Challenge is one of my favorites to follow. :) I love learning about the Pharaohs. :)

  3. The history of Egypt is fascinating. :)

  4. Fascinating. Thank you.

    Best regards,

    PS: Visiting from the A to Z Challenge

  5. What was the time frame on each of the kingdoms?

  6. Nice summary. Thanks for simplifying it! Enjoy the A to Z! :-)

  7. The history of Egypt is so rich, and I look forward to reading your posts every day.

  8. Well done again Miss Laura, I will say you do research your subjects well on these A to Z's

    Rob Z Tobor

  9. Wouldn't it be weird if we thought our politicians had magical powers?

  10. Those kingdoms cover a lot of time. I wonder how history will view this century in Egypt?

  11. I've been to the Valley of the Kings. It was amazing to see the pharaoh's tombs.

  12. I've been fascinated with Ancient Egypt since I was young. I like you summary of the three Kingdoms - very succinct, thank you.
    Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles - A to Z Ghosts
    Fantasy Boys XXX - A to Z Drabblerotic

  13. Great theme, I've always wanted to go to Egypt.

  14. Egypt is fascinating. And your summary of the kingdoms is really nice. Interesting!

  15. Great summary, Laura. Interesting as always. :)

  16. I was studying these with my children only a couple months ago. It was fun. We got caught up on the white vs red pharoh of the old kingdom. =)

  17. I never knew there were three 'ages' in Egyptian history... as always fascinating. Thanks, Laura.

  18. I didn't know there were three ages, either! I genuinely thought I knew a fair bit about ancient Egypt, but I was wrong!

  19. Never studied Egyptian history, this is fascinating, Laura!

  20. What a great summary, so many detail in a small space and easy to read. Very interesting as I just finished a book that took place in Egypt in the late 1800s.

  21. what a great overview of Egyptian history you're giving me. I need it! It's not something I know a lot about.

  22. Enjoyed the little history lesson. I admit that some of my history knowledge of that time came from Stargate. LOL

  23. Thanks for the breakdown. I've never been able to distinguish between the Egyptian Kingdoms, and I didn't realize that the pyramids were only used during the Old Kingdom.

  24. Having been an Ancient History teacher in the past, I well remember teaching the Kingdoms! Can't say I remember all the details, but this was a bit of a refresher. Lovely, interesting post Laura!

  25. I'm sure it was truly a world to experience... through a looking glass. :) Nice breakdown on the periods, Laura. Writer’s Mark

  26. Ohh wow, imagine how amazing it would be if they discovered the rest of those tombs! :D

  27. I didn't know this about Egyptian history. Very interesting, thanks for sharing! :)

  28. Hi Laura .. Egyptology is fascinating isn't it .. and you obviously love it .. I wonder if you've been to the free museum in London - the Petrie Museum of Egyptology .. I went for the first time last year and it was just amazing .. and wrote about Petrie and the artefacts ... It's good to find you're so interested in these kingdoms .. cheers Hilary

  29. I didn't know any of this! Love learning all these new factoids.

  30. This is some amazing stuff, Laura. I'm learning so much about the Egyptians.


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