
Showing posts from February, 2017

Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop now hosted by Lexa Cain . The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week, no matter how small. Here's what I'm celebrating this week: - I got runner up for my WEP piece , which I'm super happy about! So glad I put the time and effort in. - My sister's getting married in July, so we went to a wedding fair with her on Sunday, and she got a lot of things sorted, so that's good. She's starting to get stressed, now! We had a meal out with our parents, too, so that was nice. - The nights are starting to get lighter! Don't get me wrong, I love winter (it's my favourite time of year) but I am looking forward to warmer weather and longer days. 

Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop now hosted by Lexa Cain . The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week, no matter how small. Here's what I'm celebrating this week: - I posted my flash fiction for this month's WEP challenge on Wednesday, and I got some amazing feedback on it. I'm glad I forced myself to write it! You can find it here  if you want to read it.  - I mentioned in my WEP post that I haven't been very well this week, and I'm glad to say that I'm finally starting to feel better! Work has been super hard this week just because of how ill I've been, but I'm glad I powered through.  - I went to visit my Dad on Sunday, and I had a great day with him. We went out for lunch and then played a game on his xbox. Next time I go over, he's going to teach my chess, which should be fun! - It was Valentine's Day on Tuesday, and while Jamie and I don't really celebrate it, we did ge

WEP - Back of the Drawer

So here is my contribution to this month's WEP  - Back of the Drawer. I've literally written and edited it in one day (today) so it's not great! I had such good intentions for this challenge, then I went and got ill so I've had to force myself to write it. Still, I'm pretty proud that I'm even posting anything, so it's a win in my eyes! Hope you all enjoy it, anyway.  Forgotten Life Coralina sighed. She’d just opened the garage door, and an unpleasant sight awaited her. She carefully climbed over the junk on the floor so that she could reach the light switch. She switched it on, and sighed again. There was a reason she’d been putting this off for so long. She rolled up her sleeves and surveyed the mess, trying to decide where to start. There was an old cabinet pushed up against the wall closest to her that looked as though she could have it cleared by lunchtime. Tripping over a couple of old toys on the way, she started clearing. Half an hour had pa

Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop now hosted by Lexa Cain . The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week, no matter how small. Here's what I'm celebrating this week: - I made blueberry muffins at the weekend; they were divine! I made a batch and froze them, and I've been warming them up for my breakfast every morning. A great way to start the day! - I had a really relaxing weekend; I barely left the house, it was fantastic! Sometimes it's nice to have no plans. 

Goals for February

I didn't set myself any goals for January; I wanted to focus on getting settled in at my new job. I'm all settled now, and I have a lot more spare time than I'm used to, so I'm definitely setting goals for February. Here they are: - Read 4 books - I've set myself 50 books for my Goodreads reading challenge this year; the same amount that I've set myself for the last few years, but I haven't hit it for the last couple. I had a strong start in January, up until I picked up my current book; it's a slow starter! I'm determined to hit 50 books this year, so I need to get reading! - Put up at least 2 blog posts a week - For such a long time the only regular posts I've been putting up have been my Celebrate the Small Things posts on a Friday, and that needs to change! - Write my story for WEP - I've got a few ideas for the challenge this month - it's just a case of deciding which one to go for! What are your goals this month?

Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop now hosted by Lexa Cain . The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week, no matter how small. This week I'm celebrating: - Another good week at work, I'm pretty much settled in now. - I'm planning on spending this weekend working on my story for the February Write Edit Publish challenge, and I'm looking forward to it.  - Jamie and I have started house-hunting this week; we've wanted to buy a house of our own for a while, so I'm excited that we've started looking. 

IWSG - February

This month's question is: How has being a writer changed your experience as a reader? I think being a writer has changed my experience as a reader in a lot of ways. It's made me a less tolerant reader; if I'm not enjoying a book that I'm reading, I give up much quicker now! I suppose it's knowing that if I don't like the way something is written right from the start, that's not going to change if I soldier through. (For the most part!) Sometimes I've found that being a writer has made it more difficult to just sit down and enjoy reading a book; you have to turn off the writer inside you, so that you're not constantly editing, or thinking about what you would have done differently. On the other hand, if I'm reading something really good it motivates me to become a better writer - because I want to write something that someone else will love as much as I loved that book. And now, an update on me: My new job is going fantastically wel