
Showing posts from March, 2018

Celebrate the Small Things - March 23rd

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop hosted by Lexa Cain . The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week, no matter how small. Here's what I'm celebrating this week: - I've started my edits properly this week, and I'm really enjoying them! I've updated my scene list, and figured out where I need to add/remove/change a scene, which is something I've needed to do for a long time. Next on the list is to update my character profiles.  - It was officially the first day of spring on Wednesday! You can't really tell at the moment; we're still due some snow over Easter, but it's light for longer and the sun shines occasionally, so it shouldn't be too much longer before we get some warmer weather. Winter is my favourite season, but it does get to a point (usually around now) when I just want it to get warmer.

Weekly Rundown - March 22nd

Sorry for the lack of posts last week, it was my mum's birthday on Monday and mine on Tuesday, so 6 of us went away for the week to celebrate.  Listening to: Music : I'm currently listening to the new Trivium album, since I'll be seeing them again in April. Can't wait! Audiobook: On Writing by Stephen King - this has been on my 'to read' list ever since I started writing, and it's not disappointing me so far. It's really interesting hearing about his early forays into writing, and how he got where he is now. Reading : Little Women by Louisa May Alcott  - this was a birthday gift, and I'm enjoying it so far. It's one of the classics that I've wanted to read for a long while now. Watching : Jamie and I are still making our way through Lost, although over the weekend I was in the mood for a change so watched a few of my favourite movies - Get Over It and Bring It On were watched for the hundredth time, and Saved too. All guilty pleasures of

IWSG - March 2018

For anyone who doesn't know, the Insecure Writer's Support Group is a group of writer's who post once a month about their insecurities, and then visit each other to offer help and support. I finally managed to read through the first draft of my NaNo novel! I mentioned last month that I'd been struggling to read it since I wrote it last July, but this month I just made myself do it.  Now that I've done that, I get to do the fun part - edits! This month's optional question is: How do you celebrate when you achieve a writing goal/ finish a story? I have a few ways that I celebrate achieving a goal, and they mostly involve just enjoying myself or giving myself a treat. When I finished reading my first draft, for example, I spent a couple of hours playing on The Sims 4, which is a great way to have fun and relax. Reading a book and watching TV are other ways to celebrate - sometimes after working on my own stories it's nice to lose myself

Goals for March

I didn't do very well at all on my February goals; I was a lot busier than I'd expected to be, so didn't have a whole lot of time to get things done. Here's how I did: - Finish reading my NaNo draft -  This was my main goal for February, and I did it! I finally finished reading through my first draft, which means I can now start edits. -  Write  and publish  WEP  entry  - I half completed this one - I wrote a story for the challenge, but I really didn't like what I'd come up with and didn't have a lot of time to edit it, so didn't end up posting. - Read/listen to 4 books  - I didn't manage this one either, I only finished two books in February. - 2 x blog posts a week -  I think I managed one blog post a week, which isn't as bad as it could have been. - Visit blogs twice a week -  I hardly visited any blogs this month, which really is terrible. I'm struggling to get back into the habit of visiting other blogs regularly, but I know that