Musing Mondays!
Time for another Musing Monday, this week’s question is: Have you ever read a book after watching the movie/television version only to find that you don’t like the book as much as the adaptation? Most of the time when I watch a book adaptation, I prefer the book. this is the case for Harry Potter (the films really do not do the books justice), Twilight (the films are absolute rubbish compared to the books, although I admit I went to see Breaking Dawn Part Two the other day and enjoyed it quite a lot) and The Hunger Games (I loved this movie, but the book is still better). However, there is one exception: Lord of the Rings. It could be because I read the books after watching the movies. I absolutely love the Lord of the Rings movies, they’re some of my favourites, I’ve seen each of them at least 5 times. I asked for the books for Christmas one year, and was really excited to read them because I loved the movies so much, but I found them a bit hard to get through. I think I’m going to