
Showing posts from July, 2016

Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop now hosted by Lexa Cain . The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week, no matter how small. This week I'm celebrating: - I'm off to Greece tomorrow! I'm there for two weeks and have a whopping 19 days off work, so I'm pretty happy right now! I've scheduled a couple of posts to go up while I'm away, because I don't want the fact that I'm away to stop me from blogging for ages again.  So, I'll be back in a couple of weeks! 

Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop now hosted by Lexa Cain . The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week, no matter how small. This week I'm celebrating:  - I spent another couple of hours on my outline yesterday - I was hoping to get more done on it over the last week, but it's been a busy one! I managed to finish work early yesterday, so it was the perfect opportunity to do some work on my WIP.  - I went to Nottingham on Tuesday and spent the day with my friends from uni. We had a great time (as usual) - there were debates about Harry Potter, weird games played and lots of laughter.  - I got to the end of a notebook that I've been using for about two years yesterday - I got to start a brand new one, which has got to be one of the best things ever.  - Just one week to go until Greece! 

Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop now hosted by Lexa Cain . The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week, no matter how small. This week I'm celebrating:  - On Monday I put a July Goals post up, saying I wanted to spend at least half an hour each day blogging, and so far I've managed that. It's lovely feeling like part of the blogosphere again, I've really missed it!  - Yesterday I spent a large chunk of my day working on my NaNo story that I wrote way back in 2013 - I haven't done any work on it in months. I started re-writing it last year, but it was very slow going. Yesterday I read through everything I've written so far, and then started to rewrite the outline. I think that was my issue - the outline I was working from wasn't fleshed out enough. I feel really good about the work I did yesterday, and can't wait to get back to it.  - It's two weeks before I go to Greece! Not long to wait now!

Goals for July

So I've been slacking, lately, when it comes to my blog. The only posts I've been putting up are Celebrate the Small Things posts, and even then I miss those some weeks. The trouble is, most weeks I work 50 hours at work, with a lot of 12 hour shifts, and all I want to do when I get home is watch TV. However, I've decided to stop using this as an excuse; I need to use my spare time more wisely, and I'm going to start by spending at least half an hour each day blogging, whether that's writing blog posts or reading other blogs. So here are my goals for July: - Spend half an hour each day blogging - Spend an hour a week writing - I've been working on a story for about two years now; I wrote it during NaNoWriMo, and am currently in the middle of rewrites for it. I haven't done any work on it in months, again due to work, so I'm going to start small; an hour a week working on it. - Read 4 books - I'm slightly behind on my Goodreads reading goal o