Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop hosted by Lexa Cain . The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week, no matter how small. Here's what I'm celebrating this week: - We had a bake off at work on Wednesday, and I won! To be fair, there weren't very many entries in the end, but I'm still pretty happy with that. Below is a picture of the same cake but made a couple of years ago - the decoration actually was better on the first attempt than the one I made this week, which is why I'm surprised I won! I forgot to take a picture of the one I made this week, but the one below looks better anyway! - It's starting to feel very Christmassy now - only a week to go before I can start getting really excited! - Grey's Anatomy is back on, and that always makes me happy. It can be so ridiculous sometimes, but it's still one of my favourite shows.