Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop now hosted by Lexa Cain. The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week, no matter how small.

Here's what I'm celebrating this week:

- We went out for a meal for my dad's birthday last weekend, which was fun. I stayed over at my sister's house for the weekend, and we baked brownies, cookies, a swiss roll and a victoria sponge. It was an indulgent weekend!

- I've started exercising every day - since starting my new job (which is a desk job) I've realised that I'm getting very little exercise. I've gained a little weight, so I'm determined to lose that and then to keep up with the exercising to keep fit. My sister gave me her Wii Fit, and I'm surprised by how much I enjoy exercising with it.

- Just over a week until I go to Greece!


  1. Those of us stuck at a desk job have to do a little more. Keep up the exercise!

  2. A desk job is a good way to gain weight. I got a standing desk and while it doesn't help with exercise, it's way better for my posture and I've stopped gaining weight.

  3. Keeping up the exercise can be tricky when sat at a desk. I try and walk as much as possible to try and keep the pounds off! Hope you continue with wii fit.

  4. Hi Laura - lucky you going to Greece - enjoy. So much fun with your father and sister with all those cakes ... well done. Good luck with doing what you can slowly and surely to help with the weight loss and toning up - all the best - cheers Hilary

  5. Great job at exercising, Laura and s happy to hear you had a nice birthday celebration with your dad.

  6. Good job for tackling more exercise, and yeah to father and sister time. And cake. Got to love cake.

  7. Sounds like fun with your sister. And good for you with the exercise.

  8. Congrats on your exercise program. It will pay off!


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