
Showing posts from July, 2017

Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop now hosted by Lexa Cain . The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week, no matter how small. This week I'm celebrating: - I'm doing well at my Camp NaNo, and as long as I continue to stick to my plan, I'll have hit 50,000 words by the end of the month. I can't believe it's August next week! As much as I've enjoyed the challenge, I'm looking forward to a couple of days off writing when I'm done! - I've watched Beauty and the Beast twice in the last week, and I've been listening to the soundtrack pretty much non stop, and I'm still not bored of it! Definitely my current obsession.

Camp NaNo Update

Less than a week to go! I had a fantastic writing weekend, I did 5000 words on Saturday and 4000 on Sunday, which has really helped me to catch up. I've decided to up my goal back to 50,000, because I really think I can do it; I've got a plan, and as long as I stick to it I'll definitely finish at 50,000 words. Here are my stats: I'm confident that I can reach 50,000 words; I'm going to make sure I don't make any plans on Sunday, so I can do what I did last weekend and write about 4000-5000 words in one day. I've worked out how many words I can realistically write each day, and it's more than enough to get me to 50,000 by Monday. Wish me luck!

Celebrate the Small Things

So, I was going to use this week's Celebrate post to show you guys some pictures from my sister's wedding over the weekend. However, that was before I heard the news of the death of Chester Bennington, lead singer of Linkin Park. Linkin Park was my first ever favourite band, one of the first bands that I saw live, and basically the band behind my entire taste in music today. Their music helped me through a lot of tough times, and helped shape who I am today. I'll be forever grateful to the band, and to Chester Bennington, for that.  I still listen to their music, and will continue to do so, even if I will be a little sadder as I listen to my favourite songs. Rest in peace, Chester Bennington.  This is me, celebrating you and your music.

Camp NaNo Stats

So the wedding over the weekend took up a lot more of my time last week than I expected it to! I hardly got any writing done last week, which put me really behind for my 50,000 words goal. Because of this, I've made the decision to reduce my goal to 40,000 words; if I'd kept at 50,000, there was almost no chance that I'd be able to achieve it, and that would have reduced my motivation to write. Here are my stats so far: I'm still going to aim for 50,000. I want to get as close as I can by the end of July. I have no plans at all this weekend coming up, so I'm planning to spend as much time writing as I can, to try and catch up. As you can see, I'm behind even for my 40,000 word goal, so I need to get a move on! P.S. Pictures of the wedding should be coming up on my Celebrate the Small Things post on Friday. Stay tuned!

Camp NaNo Stats

What with all the preparations for my sister's wedding this Saturday, my writing has fallen by the wayside a little this week. I didn't get any done yesterday, but when I get home tonight I'm going to write as much as I can, since I won't be able to for the next few days.  Here are my stats so far: Once the wedding's over, I'm going to try and do 2000 words a day to catch up. I'm determined to get to 50,000 words by the end of July!

Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop now hosted by Lexa Cain . The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week, no matter how small. Here's what I'm celebrating this week: - I'm doing well with my Camp NaNo - I'm slightly behind at the moment, but I should be able to catch up tonight. I'm hoping to get ahead over the weekend, since next weekend my sister gets married so there will be at least 2 days where I won't be able to write. - Our family got together over the weekend for my brother's 30th birthday - we had a surprise party for him, which was fun! We ate party food and played giant Jenga in the sunshine, it was a good day! - I got together with my friends from university on Saturday, which is always fun! We visited the caves in Nottingham and then spent the evening playing games. What are you celebrating this week?

IWSG - July

This week's question is: What is one valuable lesson you've learned since you started writing? I would say the number one lesson I've learned is write for yourself - don't worry what other people will think, don't try to write what you think other people will like. Write the story you want to read. My experience in writing has shown that when I get too bogged down with trying to write something other people will like, it discourages me from writing because it just makes it too hard. We write for ourselves, and if other people like our writing, then that's a bonus.  Camp NaNo Update: So Camp NaNo officially started on Saturday, and I'm doing quite well so far. I was a little worried about hitting my goals over the weekend, as I was busy both days, but I managed it! I'm really enjoying writing the story; it's been in my head since March this year, and I was so excited to get started on it. Here are my stats: Obviously I haven

Goals for July

I didn't post my goals for June up, as I knew I'd be busy with last minute wedding planning; it's been a busy month! Here are my goals for July: - Write 50,000 words for Camp NaNo ! - So this is my huge goal for this month, I'm doing OK so far, which is good as I've had a busy weekend. I'll be posting weekly updates so you can all see how I'm getting on. - 2 blog posts a week - This should be an easy one, purely because I'll be posting a NaNo update every week alongside my usual Celebrate post on a Friday.  - Regularly visit other blogs - This is where I'm not doing great with blogging at the moment. It's easy putting blog posts up, what's harder is actually visiting other blogs regularly. In my eyes there's no point having a blog if I'm not going to read other people's. I'm determined to get back into the habit of checking my feed daily!