
Showing posts from October, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop now hosted by Lexa Cain . The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week, no matter how small. This week I'm celebrating:  - I posted my Spooktoberfest entry on Monday, click here  to check it out. It was more difficult than past years, but that just made it more fun!  - I'm still off sick from work, but the good news is I've been referred to an ENT specialist at the hospital. I have an appointment next week, so here's hoping it gets sorted out so I can go back to work.  - I made my first Christmas cake this week, and it turned out pretty good. It was a little burnt on top, but that's to be expected when you have to bake something for four hours!  - It's Halloween tomorrow! My mum's coming over to watch scary movies, which should be fun. 

Spooktoberfest 2015

Now it's time for one of my favourite Halloween blogfests, Spooktoberfest ! The goal this year was to include all 13 Scattergories; difficult, but I managed it!  Reunion A bat swoops down from the velvet black sky, shuddering as it lands next to a cauldron brimming with liquid. Suddenly the bat is a man, tall and pale, a dark cape enveloping him. He looks around, taking in his surroundings. Crumbling tombstones stand in the cracked soil at his feet, the bare limbs of trees moving in the frigid wind. A hearse pulls up at the ancient gate, and out steps a beautiful woman, a paper bag in one hand, a milkshake in the other. She approaches the man at the cauldron, sipping at her drink, a cat at her heels. “You’re late, Lila ,” the man says, checking his pocket watch . “Oh hush,” she says, pulling things from her bag. “There’s time enough, Isaac. I only just managed to get everything we need. A frog ,” she says, throwing one into the simmering potion. “Are you sure this will work?

Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop now hosted by Lexa Cain . The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week, no matter how small. This week I'm celebrating:  - I posted my Halloween entry for WEP on Wednesday; click here  to check it out. I got some great comments on it, so thanks to everyone who stopped by for a look :) - I watched Jurassic World for the first time last night; I enjoyed it, it was a good movie.  - I noticed one of my cats hasn't been eating at the start of the week; we were really getting worried, but we've changed what kind of food we get now and thankfully she's eating again. 

WEP - Youthful Frights vs. Adult Fears

For this WEP challenge, share a childhood fright that might or did turn into an adult fear, real or imagined. I think quite a common fear right now is of darkness; it was certainly one of my fears growing up. I think it's less the lack of light and more a fear of the unknown; what's hiding in that darkness. There was a house down my street growing up that all the kids were afraid of; a typical haunted house. We went one day to look through the window, and one of my friends swore she saw a face staring back at her. That, and my fear of darkness, are what gave me the inspiration for this story.  Haunted 884 words FCA I see them coming. They’re unsteady on their feet, the glass bottles they carry clinking gently. Every now and then they stop to peer at pumpkins and plastic ghosts lighting up windows all down the street. “It’s so warm,” the tallest boy says. “Isn’t winter supposed to be cold?” “Actually,” replies another boy, wearing glasses. “It is

Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop now hosted by Lexa Cain . The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week, no matter how small. This week I'm celebrating: - I did all the planning for my WEP entry; I wanted to get the first draft written yesterday but unfortunately I wasn't well enough. I spent all day watching Pirates of the Caribbean instead! Feeling much better today so hopefully I'll get it done today. - It looks like I have an inner ear infection. Apparently they can take weeks to get over, which explains why I've been ill for so long, but at least I know what it is now! Hopefully I'll be able to get back to work soon.  - My boyfriend, Jamie; he's been so good while I've been ill, doing the household chores and sorting meals out so I can rest. I'm lucky to have him :)

Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop now hosted by Lexa Cain . The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week, no matter how small. Unfortunately I'm still off work, and I still don't feel any better, but there are still things to celebrate. Here's what I'm celebrating this week: - One of my favourite bands, Trivium, brought a new album out this week. I'm listening to it for the first time right now, and so far so good!  - I went out on Sunday for a meal with my boyfriend Jamie and my Dad, who I don't see all that often. It was nice to spend time with them both.  - I've done a little work on my WEP Halloween entry. I haven't started writing it yet, but I've got a pretty good idea of where the story is going to go. 

IWSG - October

The Insecure Writer's Support Group was created by Alex J. Cavanaugh as a place where writers can talk about their insecurities once a month, and receive encouragement and support from other writers. It's such an amazing group, it even has its own website now, which you can visit here . At the moment I'm off sick from work, which sucks, but I've decided to use all of the spare time on my writing and blogging. I'm off with dizziness and feeling lightheaded, so there's not really much else I can do! Even reading makes me dizzy, which is so depressing. All this spare time, and I can't use it to get through my to-read pile!  Thankfully, it's my favourite time of year for writing; I just love writing stories for Halloween. I've entered three blog hops ( WEP , Share a Scare  and Spooktoberfest ) and I can't wait to write the stories for them. I started planning for the first one last night, which is the most writing I've done in a while. 

Goals for October

I seriously can't believe it's October. Time moves so quickly! It's great though, I love this time of year.  Here's how I did with last month's goals: - Read two books - I completed this goal, yay! I'm out of my reading slump, thank goodness, although being unable to read last week while I was ill was a bit annoying. - Edit one chapter of my WIP - Unfortunately I didn't achieve this goal. I opened up my WIP a couple of times, but couldn't get into revisions. - Be more involved in the Blogosphere - I achieved this goal; I've been reading a lot of blog posts this month, even if I haven't commented a lot. - Buy a bookcase - Still haven't bought a bookcase! This is one of those things that I'd like to do with Jamie, but unfortunately our shifts are very different, so it's quite rare that we get a day off together. It will happen, though; I need a bookcase! OK, so here are my goals for October: - Write three awesome

Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop now hosted by Lexa Cain . The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week, no matter how small. This week I'm celebrating: - It's October! Officially the start of my favourite season.  - I've had to take time off work this week because I haven't been well, but I'm starting to feel better now. Thank goodness, I haven't even been able to read books so it's been quite boring!  - It's my boyfriend Jamie's birthday this weekend, so I'm hoping to take him out for a meal on Sunday, if I'm feeling alright. If not, I'll cook him something nice instead :)