What's Up Wednesday
What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Erin L Funk and Jaime Morrow , and the idea is to let other bloggers know where you are with any writing and reading goals you may have. It's broken down into four headings: 1. What I'm Reading I finished Order of the Phoenix the other day, so now I'm reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. 2. What I'm Writing (+ Writing Goal) I'm quite pleased with the writing I've done this past week; it's not a great amount, but since I've spent the last few months writing nothing at all, I'm pleased with the couple of pages I have done this week. My writing goal for next week is to open up my NaNo edits again, and get to work. 3. What Works for Me Getting back into writing slowly, rather than trying to do too much too fast. I think if I'd dived in headfirst and tried to do loads straight away, it would have put me off writing for longer. 4. What Else I've Been Up To I