Reader Appreciation Award!

A big thank you to L. G. Keltner over at Writing Off the Edge for bestowing me with the Reader Appreciation Award! Her blog is one of my favourites, so it's nice to receive awards from her :) Here are the rules: - Identify and show appreciation to the blogger who nominated you. - Add the reward logo to your blog. - Tell your readers seven things about yourself. - Nominate 5-10 of your favorite bloggers for this award. - Inform your nominees you nominated them. It's getting harder and harder to find things about myself to share with you, but I'll try my best! Here goes: 1. I played badminton last week at Centerparcs, and found to my surprise that I'm actually quite good at it. I'm usually terrible at most sports, so it was nice to succeed in something for a change! I might play it more often. 2. There's a possibility that I have an ingrown toenail, and I'm freaking out about it quite a lot. It doesn...