Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop now hosted by Lexa Cain . The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week, no matter how small. This week I'm celebrating: - I've started reading Harry Potter again from the beginning. I've done quite well; it's been nearly two years since I started my last re-read! That's a long time for me. My mum got me the special illustrated edition of Philosopher's Stone (Sorcerer's Stone in America) so it's like reading a new book entirely. I've also been watching the films, but they tend to irritate me more than anything! - I've also gotten back into Once Upon a Time this week - I'd forgotten how much I love all things fairy-tale! It's great to get back into that world again. - Another fairy-tale favourite; Shrek! I'm sensing a theme here, apparently this week is all about my favourite forms of escapism, which is fine by me! - One last thing; I've made ...