U is for Unrequited

I'm doing flash fiction for this year's A to Z challenge, hope you enjoy! I've missed a few letters, but I'm determined to carry on nonetheless! Unrequited I clear my throat. It’s now or never. “Umm, Jasmine?” I call, and my voice breaks. She turns, her perfect blue eyes coming to rest on me, her blonde hair swishing like she’s in a shampoo commercial. “Hi,” she says. “Erm, sorry, I don’t know your name.” “It’s Jeremy,” I say, heat rushing to my face. “I just - I was wondering…” “Yes?” She looks politely bewildered. “Do you want to go out with me, sometime, maybe?” The words come out in such a rush I’m surprised she even understands them. “Oh, I’m sorry, erm, Jeremy. I’m just, pretty busy, what with work and everything…” Her words trail off. “Bye, Jeremy,” she says when I don’t reply. Months of planning, wasted.