IWSG - February

This month's question is: How has being a writer changed your experience as a reader?

I think being a writer has changed my experience as a reader in a lot of ways. It's made me a less tolerant reader; if I'm not enjoying a book that I'm reading, I give up much quicker now! I suppose it's knowing that if I don't like the way something is written right from the start, that's not going to change if I soldier through. (For the most part!)

Sometimes I've found that being a writer has made it more difficult to just sit down and enjoy reading a book; you have to turn off the writer inside you, so that you're not constantly editing, or thinking about what you would have done differently.

On the other hand, if I'm reading something really good it motivates me to become a better writer - because I want to write something that someone else will love as much as I loved that book.

And now, an update on me:

My new job is going fantastically well; I'm really enjoying it, and getting used to the hours, so this month I'm determined to start my new blogging and writing schedule. This will include blogging more than once a week - at the moment the only regular post I have is my Celebrate the Small Things post on a Friday! Of course, I'm aiming to visit other bloggers a lot more as well, and hopefully actually do some writing for a change!


  1. A lot of times when I'm reading I get distracted by thoughts of my own stories until I have to put the book down and start writing! Good luck with the blogging!

  2. I'm with you. It's easier to put things down...but I've also come to the point where I can turn off the writer and just utilize my inner reader. It's taken a ton of practice, but...

    Yay for getting comfortable with the new routine! Here's looking forward to seeing you around more.

  3. Good to hear about your new job. It's been a long time since I last dropped by, so I don't know what that job is, but I hope it continues going well for you. I can agree to your answer in many ways, though I try to leave on my "writer mind" in a lot of cases so that I can spend my reading time learning. I think I have an easier time reading as a reader when I'm actually listening from an audiobook. (I love audiobooks.)

  4. I agree with every word, Laura. I love it when I find a really great book and get inspired (or a tv show, they have some very well-plotted and exciting ones!). Have a great week!

  5. You made a lot of good points about reading. I had trouble with Game of Thrones. Not so much from the writing but because that world is so dark. I'm glad you love your job and will be able to spend more time writing.

  6. When that great story comes along, you just soak it up.
    Glad the job is going so well.

  7. Good luck with your new blogging and writing schedule!

  8. Reading better books than our own has always been a great motivator. Good luck on your new writing endeavors.
    Danger, Love, and Mystery

  9. My answer to the question was very similar to yours. Glad to hear about the job going well.

  10. Glad you're enjoying your job, and I like the topic for your Friday posts. Good luck with your blogging goals! I've been only blogging once a month, so once a week already sounds wonderful to me. Visiting more blogs is something I'm working on doing, though. This group is great! Christy

  11. Writing affects how I watch movies, especially action movies. I can often predict that this character will get killed, that character will get killed saving the others, this character will live. The chick tends to live, but if there's more than one, and one of them is a bad girl, she'll tend to get knocked off

  12. Yay! I'm happy that you're enjoying your job. Writing has definitely made me a less tolerant reader as well. All the best for your writing plans!


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