I is for Inventions

The ancient Egyptians invented a lot of things that we still use today.

- The pyramids - probably their biggest and most impressive invention.

- Make up - the ancient Egyptians are the ones who invented the kohl that we still use today. Both men and women would wear a lot of make up, especially around their eyes, because they believed it could cure and prevent eye diseases.

- Written language - everyone knows about Egyptian hieroglyphics, which started off as simple pictograms, which were developed over time. 

- Papyrus - a plant which grows in the marshy areas along the Nile. It was used as a writing material for the ancient Egyptians. 

- The calendar - the Egyptians needed a calendar so that they would know when the annual flooding of the Nile would begin. Their calendar, however, was split into three main seasons: inundation, growing and harvest. Each season was four months long, with 30 days in each month. This equalled 360 days a year, so 5 days were added as religious holidays. 

- Breath mints - many ancient Egyptians would have suffered from bad breath because of their lack of dental care. The first mints were made with frankincense, myrrh and cinnamon boiled with honey. 


  1. Breath mints, no that's a new one on me :). What a wonderful piece of historic trivia. *commits to memory.
    Tasha's Thinkings - AtoZ (Vampires)
    FB3X - AtoZ (Erotic Drabbles)

  2. Without the Egyptians we would never have had Pyramid Selling or New Romantics

    Its a funny old world

  3. Breath mints? That is crazy. Another great post, Laura!

  4. You know, I thought the Sumerians had the oldest written language. But I looked it up and YOU are write err right! So I learned something BIG today.

  5. I love the pyramids, and I knew about the other things they invented apart from the breath mints. I, like everyone else, am impressed by the breath mints. That is just cool.

  6. I wonder how those mints tasted. And I'll bet that make up around the eyes did help with sun reflection. They were a clever lot, those early Egyptians.

  7. This is an impressive legacy they left!
    Funny about the breath mints, I had no idea.

  8. Wow, I didn't know about the make-up or the breath mints!

  9. They had breath mints? Those clever Egyptians! :)

  10. So I have the Egyptians to thank for Altoids? Awesome.

  11. The Egyptians certainly invented many great things. They had minds before their time. :)

  12. I love how the calendar reflected their way of life. I think that's one thing we forget commonly in world building, that time would be focused on survival or gluttony, dependent on society and its well-to-do aspects or poverty.

  13. I had an inkling about them using makeup, men and women, but had no idea about the mints. Great stuff!

  14. I didn't know that about makeup (especially the belief that it could cure or prevent eye disease) or breath mints. Thanks for sharing.

  15. I know all those things except about the breath mints. Very interesting.

  16. I knew a bout the pyramids, of course, but not the breath mints. Who invented the toothbrush?

    Cold As Heaven

  17. I never knew the Egyptians invented breath mints! What a fascinating list, you picked such a great theme for the challenge :)

  18. Good job, Laura, I learned some new things! Wishing you a great weekend.

  19. Having seen the pyramids up close I have to say they were one of the world's greatest inventions. What a testament to their culture.

  20. I can only imagine the work that goes into inventing a calendar. I mean, starting from nothing and trying to organize time. I also did not know about the breath mints!

  21. Make-up? I knew I liked the Ancient Egyptians. :)

  22. I watched a video one time about how they turn papyrus into paper. It was fascinating. And of course, visiting the pyramids would be an amazing trip indeed.

    M. J. Joachim

    A to Z Challenge Co-Host
    Writing Tips
    Effectively Human
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  23. I wonder if anyone's ever found a recipe for Egyptian breath mints. It'd be interesting to know what they tasted like. :)

  24. Visiting on the 10th day of the #atozchallenge. Learning interesting new things on this blog hop day. It's obvious you are having fun and making new blogging friends. If you have time or interest, I am writing about gardening and related topics this month. Come and visit.

  25. I had no idea the Egyptians invented breath mints! man, as if they weren't cool enough already now I have them to thank for fresh breath as well!

  26. Papyrus is so cool. Love paper. :)

  27. Egyptians reached the pinnacle of civilization before their downfall-- thanks for sharing these fascinating facts!

  28. I also didn't know that the Egyptians invented breath mints. Of course, it helps that they also invented make-up; although we wouldn't be here now without written language! I look forward to following your adventures, Laura!


  29. We really DO have a lot to thank them for... never knew about the breath mints... every day, we learn something new...
    I think the Egyptians were way ahead of their time...
    Nice to connect via the A to Z challenge.
    Writer In Transit

  30. Breath mints - love it!

    Egyptian hieroglyphics are amazing - the fact that they thought words had such power they even nobbled the dangerous ones, making sure the signs could do no harm.

    Thanks for sharing,
    Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles - A to Z Ghosts
    Fantasy Boys XXX - A to Z Drabblerotic


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