New Blog Schedule (Again!)

Ever since I started my blog in February, I've been painfully aware that it doesn't actually focus on anything. If someone had asked me what the theme of my blog was, I wouldn't know what to say! Because of this, I haven't been putting as many posts up as I could have, in case it seemed like they wouldn't belong on my themeless blog. Also, I didn't want to write about things that other bloggers might not want to read about.
I've been thinking about this over the last few days, and decided that I really need to change my way of thinking. So, I'm going to start writing about things that are interesting to me, and that I want to write about, rather than worrying about what other people want to read.
Thus, my new schedule was born! I'm going to carry on doing posts on Mondays and Thursdays, but I'll also be adding a Saturday post. I had a think about what I enjoy doing most, and came up with themes for my Monday and Saturday posts.
Taken from here
On Mondays, I'm going to post about something related to books or reading, since reading has always been one of my favourite things to do. It's a pretty wide topic, as I could do reviews of books I've read, talk about my favourite books and genres etc.
Taken from here
On Saturdays, I'll be doing a writing post. It'll probably be mostly short stories or pieces of flash fiction, but I figure it's a great way to actually make myself write, and practise.
Taken from here
My Thursday posts are going to remain as they are at the minute: Random! On Thursdays, I'll basically be writing about anything that I feel like writing about. This could be things that are happening in my life, how I'm getting on with my monthly goals or anything else that I'm thinking about.
I'm hoping this schedule will make it easier for me to come up with posts, and make my blog a little more focused! I'll be starting it on Monday, since I have a few awards to post about on Saturday!
I'm going to end this post with a little good news: I've already completed one of my goals for June, yay! I finished reading Game of Thrones this morning, so I finally get to read some of the unread books that are piled on my bookshelf! As you can probably tell, I'm very excited! :)


  1. Honestly Laura I think most people come to check out your blog because of the unique and awesome style of writing you have so whatever you want to write about is your choice, we'll all stick around regardless! The schedule sounds perfect anyway.

    1. Thank you very much! It's nice to know that people enjoy reading what I write :)

  2. Good luck with your new schedule. And don't worry too much about whether we'll want to read it. We love your blog either way!

  3. Your blog is great. Whatever you choose to write about, it's your personality that comes through and makes it enjoyable to read. Good on you for having a schedule too - I wish I was that disciplined! :-)

    1. Thank you! Don't worry, I'll probably give up after a couple of weeks, I'm not that disciplined either! :)

  4. I know I stop by because you posts are as random as mine and love it! If someone was to ask me what my "theme" is I would have to say randomness. I blog about what I'm experiencing at that moment.

    Can't wait to see what all you being to the table in your new schedule!

    1. Thank you! I do like my randomness theme, hence why I'm keeping it on Thursdays! It's nice to be able to just blog about anything :)

  5. My blog is kind of an everywhere blog, though it's meant to just be stories, so I wouldn't worry that much! :)

    1. Haha I won't, as long as everyone still enjoys what I write :)

  6. My blog has never had a theme and never will. I simply blog about anything and everything lol!

    I'll still come by and read whatever you've posted though :)

    And congrats on finishing your book! I've nearly finished re-reading mine too lol

    1. I love your themeless blog, it's always interesting!
      Thanks! I've already picked what to read next, and I'm very excited :)

  7. A plan is good but so is random! I find sometimes stressing about what to write about makes it harder. I'll drop by and read your posts - random or not.

    1. Thanks! I'm glad I've kept Thursdays for random, because it's nice to know I can write about anything, at least for one day! :)

  8. You need to keep something random and fun. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do.

    1. I do like random, fun things :) Thanks, hope I don't disappoint!

  9. Sorry I don't get to visit as much as I should, as a fairly long term regular blogger all I can say is try and set yourself a time to write your posts but don't push yourself to the point your are not happy blogging. After the A to Z I have noticed a few blogs have crashed out by being pushed into something they felt they had to finish when they were not happy.

    We blog because we like to blog not because we have too, so just post at a steady pace that you are entirely happy with and what ever subject you fancy writing about.....

    1. Thanks for the words of wisdom! Don't worry, if I start to feel overwhelmed I'll slow down! I've loved writing my blog ever since I started it, so I won't let that change :)

  10. I'm working on a posting schedule for my blogs, so I know exactly what it's like to try to figure it out.

    As for your blog, I know that whatever you want to post will be good, whether it's random or part of a theme.

    1. Thanks! I feel relieved that I've finally got a schedule for it, now I just need to stick to it! :)

  11. Your blog is amazing, I can't believe you only started it in February! Well done. :) And I know what you mean, I feel as though mine doesn't fit into any category either, but I'm learning to love it that way. :)

    1. Thank you! Yeah I don't really mind that I can't categorise it, because it means that it's unique :)

  12. I also have my posts on a regular schedule. I think it's good to have that consistency. One (out of my two) followers mentioned that she looks forward to Mondays and Fridays, because she knows I'll have a new post. It definitely adds pressure to perform, but I find that as long as I have a few backups, I can get them out consistently.

    Good luck!

    1. I'm certainly looking forward to having a proper schedule, and I think it'll make it easier for me to have themed posts on Mondays and Saturdays :)

  13. Don't worry about a theme. Some Blogs have a definite purpose, but most of the ones I've come across don't have a strict agenda, and are all the better for it.

    Take a look at me. Just looking at my recent posts I've written about taking my granddad to KFC, starting a suicide cult, and how weird post-it notes are.

    1. I love your posts, they always make me laugh! I don't want to put my blog into a certain category, but I feel a little better having some of my posts themed :)

  14. Looks good!
    I'm theme-less and proud too :)

    1. Thanks! I like that I can still write about whatever I want :)

  15. Focus is my current think, too. I have been blogging only since April..Focus Focus Focus (my one son likes to say.) I think your doing great. Mary

    1. Thanks! Focus is definitely important, hopefully this schedule will improve my focus :)

  16. Well I, for one, will be interested in reading your posts under those themes :)

  17. Sounds like a good plan. If you aren't writing that makes you happy, there's no sense in writing. Good luck!

  18. Oh. Before I also worry about writing stuff that must interest other people. Now I just become so random and write only the things that I really want to talk about. :)


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