Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop hosted by Viklit over at Scribblings of an Aspiring Author. The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week.

This week I'm celebrating:

- finally feeling better! I've been absent from the blogging world since last Saturday, due to illness. It's good to be back! 

- I went to the dentist this week, twice in two days - ouch! It's something I'd been putting off for a long time so I'm glad it's finally done, and my teeth feel much healthier now. There's a new dentist, and he's really nice, so that's good too. 

- I bought my sister a writing set for Christmas this year, so that we could write to each other since we live so far apart now. She got me one, too, and I finally used it this week while I was ill. I'm looking forward to getting her reply.


  1. Glad you feel better.
    And going to the dentist is never fun. That evil, evil pick...

  2. I think it's so sweet that you and your sister gave each other writing sets. :)
    Happy to hear you're feeling better!

  3. Ooh, dentist. You're very brave!

    The writing sets for each other is such a sweet idea.

  4. Feel better, Laura! Being sick is no fun at all!

  5. A writing set is the ultimate gift as far as I'm concerned! I'm glad you're feeling better. There's been a lot of illness floating around where I live, and I'm doing my best not to catch it. Unfortunately, since my oldest son is in school now, he brings tons of germs with him, so it's only a matter of time.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Being well is so worth celebrating. Glad you're better AND that your teeth are in good hands.

  7. Sorry you've been poorly but glad you are better now. Isn't it lovely to receive 'real' letters.
    Enjoy your weekend, Laura.

  8. Glad you're feeling better now! Have fun writing back and forth with your sister, that's awesome ;)

  9. A lot of sickness going around. Glad you are feeling better. Have fun reconnecting with your sister.

  10. I gained 3 pounds this week. I hope I can maintain it over the weekend.

    I almost always lose weight over the weekend...

  11. Feel better! And the dentist. Uh. Not the place I prefer to visit either, but a necessary evil.

    What a lovely gift for you and your sister! Enjoy those writing sets to the fullest.

  12. Kudos to feeling better. I was sick for nearly a month and a half, complete with a relentless cough. --.--


  13. Boo to the dentist but necessary I suppose!! Hurrah to writing sets, that sounds nice!

  14. Having a nice dentists makes it that much better, doesn't it? May you and your sister share wonderful life stories/secrets.

  15. We do need nice dentists. All the best!

  16. You're very lucky to have someone to write to, and properly write with pen and paper. I think it's a pastime that's losing it's appeal.
    Maybe I should start writing to some of my family ...


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