Sod's Law

I've had a pretty good first couple of days off work, apart from the fact that I've managed to catch a cold! It's sod's law that it only manifested itself after work on Monday, appearing fully on Tuesday morning, my first full day off! I'd really rather have had it when I was at work, then at least I'd have something to distract myself from it. It's one of those annoying colds that blocks your sinuses and makes your whole head hurt. Oh well, it could be much worse. :)
On another note, I heard from one of my uni friends last night and she's suggested we meet up on Thursday evening, which has made me incredibly happy as I really miss my uni friends, I hardly ever get to see them now that we've all graduated, because we all live in different places now. It's also difficult to find a day that we can all actually meet up, because we all work different days. So I'm really looking forward to tomorrow night, I can't wait to have a really big catch up!
I'm having a very lazy day today, sat playing The Sims 3 even though there are far more important things I could be doing! Oh well, I'll get round to them! :)


  1. I have been bugged with allergies and can't believe I have spring flowers that have been coming out since before Valentines Day. LOL on the SIMs. I love the SIM's. : ) I haven't been able to play bcuz my desk top needs work and it doesn't load to my lap top correctly.

    1. I prefer the Sims 2, because it runs better on my computer, but I like some of the features on the Sims 3 better, so I'll play through all the bugs for them. :)

  2. Hi Laura!
    Thanks for stopping by and following at Life is Good! I'm happy to meet you and very glad to see that you're going to be doing the April challenge! Did you know that if you post about the challenge you get included in the "Sunday Round-Up" and will have your blog and name mentioned at the A-Z blog? It's a great advantage since so many read that blog. If you decide to do one between now and the challenge, just let me or Arlee Bird know so that we can include your info.
    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-Host of the April A to Z Challenge
    Twitter: @AprilA2Z #atozchallenge

  3. P.S I highly recommend getting rid of the word verification gadget. You'll get a LOT more comments. It's gotten so much harder to decipher those words, that many of us co-hosts have to try two or three times to get accepted. I guarantee that not everyone has that patience. If you don't know how to do it, then keep reading the A-Z. It's going to be in a post there. Meanwhile, go play with your comment settings and see if you can figure it out. Of course, the choice is your since this is your blog and you can run it as you see fit. Just want you to have as many comments as possible.
    Did you know that if you post about the challenge you get included in the "Sunday Round-Up" and will have your blog and name mentioned at the A-Z blog? It's a great advantage since so many read that blog. If you decide to do one between now and the challenge, just let me or Arlee Bird know so that we can include your info.


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