What's Up Wednesday

What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Erin L Funk and Jaime Morrow, and the idea is to let other bloggers know where you are with any writing and reading goals you may have.

1. What I'm reading

I finished reading Scarlet by Marissa Meyer, which I thought was awesome - I can't wait to read the next book in the series. I'm currently reading The One by Kiera Cass. It's the third and final book in a series, and it's one of those times where I really love the idea of the story, but I hate the way it's written. The main character infuriates me so much, but I'd like to see how the series ends.

2. What I'm writing

Not much, but more than I have been lately.  It's nice to be back into writing again, getting excited about new ideas and everything.

3. What else I've been up to

I've had a pretty busy week at work, so that's all I've been up to really. No time for anything else!

4. What inspires me right now

Changing seasons. I love this time of year, where we start to see the first signs of autumn. The fact that I'm writing more also gives me inspiration. 


  1. Good morning Laura (or afternoon there haha). Yes, I am LOVING that feeling in the air of autumn approaching. My favorite time of year :)

  2. I'm kind of sad that summer's over already, but I do like autumn. I couldn't get into the Selection series, but I loved SCARLET! CRESS is even better. :) Have a great week!

  3. I know what you mean about The Selection series. I loved the books...but 1, they were so slow. There just wasn't quite enough story to validate that length of a book, and I think the author was pushed to fill in the space...which may account for some of the other stuff too.

  4. I have done so much writing work this past week and none of it on my WIP. Glad to be back to it today.

  5. You must really want to find out how that series ends!

  6. Autumn before my birthday is bad. . . . . keep up with that writing OK work first and parties and a bit to eat then write write write.

  7. Autumn has come early, hasn't it? I love it... buuuut in September. Feels a bit weird to be grabbing a jumper every morning in August.

    I admire your patience, reading a book with an irritating character. I'm far less forgiving!

    Have a great week!

  8. :) I was just looking at the blurb for Scarlet this morning. And yay for Autumn...but it hasn't gotten here yet. I'm all bummed out at our forecast of 98 degrees. Cooler weather, where are you?

  9. I'm glad you enjoyed CINDER! I promise you that series just keeps getting better with each book. I'm jealous that you're seeing the first signs of autumn where you live. It's been hot and muggy here lately and I'm in the mood for brisk air and pumpkins instead. Enjoy getting back into writing and working on those new ideas! :)

  10. Loved Scarlet! I also enjoyed the Selection trilogy and never really had a problem with the main character.
    Summer is my favorite season, but I definitely love autumn clothes the best! Boots, sweaters, coats... love!

  11. Jealous of the autumn air - Down Under is still freezing, with no signs of spring on the way :( At least it's doing wonders for my writing, thanks to having to stay inside all day...

    Best of luck with diving back into the writing, have a wonderful week Emma :)

    - Caitie

  12. I've said it before - you are way more dedicated of a reader than I am. If a main character ever infuriates me, I usually give up and find something less aggravating to read.

  13. I thought a bit of the same about America in "the One". She kinda frustrated me at times, but I really wanted to see how it ended. I did like the series, but she was annoying at times.

    I love that autumn is coming soon - my favorite season! :)


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