
The amount of awards I've been getting have been steadily accumulating over the past few weeks, so I thought I'd post them today. A lot of them I already have, so I'll just link to my other posts. I'm a little depressed today, because my hamster had to be put down yesterday, so I thought it would be a good idea to post awards that I've been given, to cheer myself up a little.
L. G. Keltner, Jenn and Hazel have each given me the Sisterhood of the World Blogger award, so thanks guys! Be sure to visit each of their amazing blogs :)
L. G. Keltner and Jenn also gave me the Tell Me About Yourself award, so thanks again!
For both of these awards, I have to tell you all 7 things about myself - I've done this so many times that I'm running out of things to say! But I'll give it a go:

1. I'm going to be taking part in the August Camp NaNoWriMo, which means I'll be attempting to write a novel in August. I don't expect to actually succeed, but I figured where's the harm in trying?

2. My hair is my favourite part of myself - it's really long (mainly because I can't afford to get it cut!) and really thick, and I love thinking of different ways to style it. I especially love doing different types of plaits :)

3. I can't wait until September, because The Sims 3 Supernatural comes out, and I'm really excited about all of the different creatures that are coming with it!

4. I love painting my nails (mostly black) but I hardly ever get to, because I'm not allowed them painted for work. I have them painted now because I have a week off work :)

5. I really love baking, mainly because I love eating sweet things! I made some fairy cakes with my sister today, and can't wait to have one after my tea :)

6. I have a really short temper - I tend to snap at people a lot, but I immediately regret it! I'm working on stopping.

7. I wish I had more time for reading - mostly I only read before bed these days, whereas when I was younger I would spend most of my day reading.

I also got the Stylish Blogger Award and the One Lovely Blog Award from Orla, so thank you for those! You can find my posts about them by clicking on their names :)
Krista McLaughlin sent me The Booker Award, thanks very much! And finally, thanks to Far Away Series for giving me the Versatile Blogger Award.
I'm going to cheat a little, and pass these awards on to all of my followers - you all deserve them!


  1. Sorry to hear about the hamster, they are funny little critters. Well done on all the awards there are a lot about at present......

    1. Thanks, yeah I've had them building up for ages, about time I actually did a post about them! :)

  2. That Sims game sounds awesome Laura! It's been so long since I've played any kind of Sims games and this has put me really in the mood now. Good luck with that novel thing, I can't wait to hear about how well it goes, I'm sorry to hear about your hamster though, I know that must hurt and it sucks that you had to go through it. Congratulations on all the awards though!

    1. I'm very much looking forward to it, hopefully it'll be better than the last one :) Thanks, it does suck but at least he's not in pain anymore. It's hard when I see his empty cage though. Thanks, they've been collecting for quite a while! :)

  3. Congratulations! I am sorry to hear about your hamster :(

    1. Thanks, at least I still have my other pets to keep me company :)

  4. You could always paint your toenails. Who'd know?

  5. I haven't played Sims in years but would be tempted to play this supernatural one! Congrats on all your awards but I'm sorry to hear about your hamster, that really sucks :(

    1. Oh I love playing the Sims, don't get much time to these days, though! Thanks, it does suck, but at least I know he's not in pain anymore :)


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