March Goals

I can't believe it's March already, my favourite month of the year (well, after December, anyway!) so it's time for another monthly goal post. Here are my goals from last month:

Catch up on the 7000 words - This goal was referring to the 1000 words in 100 days challenge, which I'm no longer taking part in, so obviously I did not meet this goal. That's fine, though, since I gave up on the challenge so I would be able to do my assignments and everything at my own pace, rather than worrying about hitting a word count.

Redesign my blog - I finally did this in early February, and I'm still loving the new look. It's much calmer than my old design, which I think is a good thing!

Read 4 more books - I haven't had much time for reading, but thankfully we had to read a couple of books for uni this month, so I've read two more books towards my goal for 50. Hopefully I'll find more time for reading this month.

Work on my assignments - I'm feeling pretty confident with the work I've done for my assignments this month, as I have plans for both and know exactly what I'm going to do for them. 

Two out of four goals achieved, that's not bad! Here are my goals for the coming month:

Schedule my A to Z posts - I have a pretty big assignment due in towards the end of April so I won't have the time to work on my A to Z posts on the days they need posting, so I'm hoping to have them all scheduled by the end of March. This means I'll be able to use the extra time to visit blogs during the challenge :)

Work on my assignments - As mentioned above, I have an assignment due on the 24th April. The assignment involves creating a pamphlet (Mine will be based on Greek myths) and publishing it as an e-book, so you'll all hear a lot more about this in the future! I also have an assignment due next week that needs finishing, and a ghost story to write for another assignment (I'm looking forward to this one!)

Find more time to read - Also mentioned above, I haven't had much time to read recently. I'm hoping to find more time for it, maybe set aside a certain time each week just to relax and read. 

Celebrate my birthday! - It's my birthday on the 13th, my mum's on the 12th, and Mothers Day on the 10th, so lots to celebrate this month! I think we're planning on going for a meal on my mum's birthday, since I'm at university all day on mine. I don't think I'll have too much trouble achieving this goal :)


  1. I had no idea that you were giving up on the challenge but it's perfectly understandable Laura, you did a great job regardless. Best of luck with the A to Z posts, I think you'll do awesome.

    1. Thanks! I probably could have finished it and pulled it back, but I had higher priorities, in the end :)

  2. Sounds like you've got a lot to do this month! Most of my family's birthdays are in the next to months too. Busy time of year :)

    1. It is a busy time of year, a lot of birthdays seem to be around March! Should be fun, though :)

  3. This is why I can't stand NaNoWriMo. Set your own pace and make sure you get your writing done, but don't turn it into a race. You'll end up with word vomit and just putting down words for the sake of creating a higher number, which isn't doing yourself any favors.

    1. That's what I thought, I'm getting more done now that I'm not worrying about the challenge.

  4. Best of luck with all your goals and make sure you do the last one.....celebrate those birthdays!! :)

  5. Happy birthday! Sounds like you have been busy and have achieved a lot. Good luck with all your goals.

  6. You sound as busy as ever, good luck with it all I look forward to seeing your A to Z posts.

  7. Sounds like a busy month! One of my goals for March is to prepost for A-Z too! It's such a busy time and I like to have the time to read lots of posts and not be frantic about writing mine at the same time. Good luck with your goals!

    1. I know, I didn't schedule them last year and I regretted it!

  8. no wonder you like march! my sons is the 9th
    good job w/ your goals & i am trying to get a to z done early too! and read more!

  9. Last semester I started on a Master's Degree in ESL. All the writing and keeping up with a blog has been challenging.

    Visiting from A to Z Challenge. This is my first year participating.
    Transformed Nonconformist


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