Thanks, and an award!

To everyone who commented on my post on Tuesday, thank you very much for the advice, it helped out a lot! I read my piece out yesterday and didn't get any negative criticism, probably thanks to your help, so thanks again!

Yesterday in class, we were all asked to set up a blog specifically for writing, that we could use during the course of our degree. On the one hand, I was quite pleased about this because obviously I have experience in blogging, so it's not like it's something new for me to get used to, but on the other hand it's going to be so hard to run two blogs at once! But, I'm looking forward to the challenge and I definitely won't let this blog fall behind, because I love it and all my followers too much to!
Here's the link to my new blog, if anyone wanted to stop by, but there's not much there yet!
Basically I've decided I'll use my new blog for all things uni related, so any writing assignments that I'm doing will go over there, and I'll carry on doing what I'm doing on this blog, which is book reviews, the Express Yourself Meme, and maybe some snippets of writing that aren't related to uni. Oh, and blogfests, of course!
Last but not least, the lovely Tara Tyler has gifted me with the One Lovely Blog Award! I think I've had this award before, but I had to answer questions whereas for this one I need to think of 7 things about myself, so I'll accept it anyway! Although it's getting quite hard to think of things about myself. I think this time I'll choose 7 of my favourites :)

1. Favourite Food: Ooh where do I begin...for sweet food, I love cake. I love it when birthdays or Christmas come around, so we have lots of cake in the house! For savoury food, I think I may have to go with fish and chips, with onion rings, that I do in the oven. Not very sophisticated I know, but that's me! Spaghetti Bolognese comes a close second (with garlic bread, of course!)

2. Favourite Colour: Purple, definitely. My whole bedroom is decorated purple, which I love!

3. Favourite Place: My home.

4. Favourite Drink: Tea! I have about 10 cups a day, it's pretty much all I drink. I don't like fizzy drinks, and I only drink alcohol on special occasions (in which case I love a pina colada!)

5. Favourite Season: Winter! Most of you probably know this already, but I absolutely love winter, and that's the time of year that I'm at my happiest.

6. Favourite Holiday: Christmas, and not because of the presents - although I do like those! I love Christmas because of the traditions; putting the tree and all the decorations up (which I did last year by myself, I was very proud!), getting gifts ready for everyone, wrapping them up and hiding them in my wardrobe, and of course that lovely Christmas dinner with all my favourite people.

7. Favourite Animal: Dogs, all the way. They're just so loyal, and my Alfie is always up for a cuddle, which you certainly can't say about our cat, Smoky. Alfie's just like a huge teddy bear, so snuggly and warm, and he's always there for me when I need him.

Aww see, how could you not love him?
Now I'm going to be slightly naughty today; I'm losing track of who has won what blog awards, so if you haven't had the One Lovely Blog Award before, I am bestowing it on you! Just make sure you send me a link so I can see your 7 things, and so I know you've accepted the award. :)


  1. I love the colour purple too! Very best of luck with your masters course and your new blog!

  2. Congratualtions! My bedroom is purple too! :) x

  3. Damn right it's Winter! My bedroom isn't purple, but the curtains are, and so is the master bathroom. Doesn't bother me. But where's the love for orange?!

    1. I don't mind orange, but it's not my favourite. I think it's my brother's favourite though :)

  4. Thanks for sharing your new blog and congratulations on the award too Laura, it's great to read about your favourites! Another friend of mine who has a blog was asked to do the same and create their own too so it must be something that's becoming more popular on university courses which I find pretty cool.

    1. I know, I was pretty glad when he said because it's something I feel quite confident in! It's also a new challenge, so it should be quite fun!

  5. I used to be a cat person, but I've definitely switched over to dogs. Love the the loyalty too! I had to give my dog away after I moved to the city, cause she is a country dog.

    1. Oh no, I'd hate to have to give my dog away, I'd miss him! I can't imagine ever living without a dog.

  6. Good luck with handling two blogs! Christmas is one of my favorite holidays, too.

  7. Jackie and I love that you are going to continue doing the Express Yourself Meme with us! You have always been one of our biggest cheerleaders! Thanks!

    1. You're welcome! I love the idea of it, it's a great meme :)

  8. lovely answers! purple is my fave too!
    and good luck w/the new blog!

  9. Your doggie is so cute :) New follower via GFC!

  10. Your dog is absolutely adorable. And I love Christmas for all the same reasons. It's just such a happy time of year, even with the added stress of trying to afford presents for everyone. haha. I think it's really cool that your favorite place to be is home. I think that's my second favorite place. My first would have to be Disneyworld. haha.

    1. Yeah, there's nothing I like better than a night in at home, I guess some people would say that's boring!


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