
What a weekend! I had hoped to have a lot of free time this weekend to get this entry written, but that just didn't happen. I did a 13 hour shift at work on Friday, an 11 hour shift on Saturday, a 7 hour shift on Sunday and a 6 hour shift today, I'm shattered! Getting up at 3.30 doesn't help matters, either. I have 10 days off now, and I think I'll need them to recover!
Because of my work-filled weekend, I've had to quickly write my entry for Spooktoberfest today, so it's not as good as I had hoped it would be. Nevertheless, I had a lot of fun writing it, and reading everyone else's entries, which are awesome, by the way!

Here is my entry:

The old woman stood in what used to be her living room, disgusted by the sights in front of her. What a pathetic excuse for a haunted house. She watched the people milling around the room, curling her lip at their “scary” costumes. A girl as a ghost with a sheet over her head, a man with a skeleton costume, another man wearing a plastic werewolf mask. Every year was the same.

She raised her arms, a wicked grin spreading across her withered face. Green light flashed across the room, and the scene changed. The cheap plastic cauldron in the centre of the room swelled and turned to stone, a purple potion now bubbling away inside. The Jack-o-Lanterns which looked like they had been carved with a blunt razor grew leafy arms and legs and wandered around, tangling their newfound limbs around anything they touched. The garish orange spiders decorating the cobwebs that stretched across the room transformed into tarantulas and fell to the floor, the webs too flimsy to hold them.

The witch’s grin widened as she watched the chaos unfold before her; people were falling over each other as they ran for the front door, trying to get out of the house that was now actually haunted.

Time for the grand finale; she raised her arms once more, and this time a red light flashed through the room. Every single person froze as the spell caught them, and the witch began to cackle as their costumes took over them. The girl was staring at her transparent hand in horror, a skeleton lay on the floor unmoving, and a wolf began to knaw on one of the bones.

She had been dead for decades now, but her powers were stronger than ever.


  1. I find the entry great and really creepy and descriptive in a gripping kind of way which only the best authors can create. I'm sorry you've been so busy with work though, that's a whole lot of hours for sure, you're definitely entitled for this break anyway.

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. At least I get paid for all the hours, or that's what I kept telling myself, anyway! I definitely need the break :)

  2. Ohh creepy! Great job Laura :)

  3. What a great idea to have the costumes take over! Good work!

    Thanks for participating in our blogfest. :D

    1. Thanks, and you're welcome! Thanks for hosting it :)

  4. Way to go witch! Now, that's how a haunted house she be ;)

  5. Great story with a lot of descriptive imagery. I like.

  6. Awesome!! Loved this entry--especially the last part about the costumes taking over. VERY cool!

    1. Thanks! It just occurred to me as I was writing :)

  7. Terrific story! I loved the tarantulas. I would be completely creeped out by the tarantulas, more so than being turned into a ghost!

    1. Thanks! Yeah me too, I'm terrified of spiders!

  8. Hey Laura,

    I love the story. It's so original. While reading it I kept thinking: "how does she come up with this stuff?" Love it.

    Something else: I've tagged you for the Super Sweet Blogger Award. I hope you like it. You can find it here:


    1. Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. And thank you for the award, it sounds amazing! :)

  9. Wow! The ending was the best! Like everyone else, I love how the costumes came to life. The wolf knawing on the bone?! Perfect.

    1. Thanks! I think that's one of my favourite parts of the story :)

  10. Good way to get unwanted guests out of your house. Haha! :) Great job!

  11. Great story. Thanks for that.


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