Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop hosted by Viklit over at Scribblings of an Aspiring Author. The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week.

This week I'm celebrating:

- Breaking Bad - My mum, sister and I started watching it last week (I know, a little behind the times) and we love it! We're midway through season two already - it shouldn't be too long before we finish it. The only bad thing is it's cutting into my NaNo prep! 

- My contract at work has gone from 20 hours to 34, yay! I've been working 34 hours a week for the last few months, but the extra was as overtime. This meant that whenever I took a holiday, I would only get paid the 20 hours, which was a little inconvenient. Now I don't have to worry when I want a week off from work. It also means I can have bank holidays off like everyone else, since I'll still get paid them now I'm contracted for a Monday. 

- The weather has been much cooler this week, and I'm loving it - I much prefer the cold. 


  1. Glad you're getting paid for more hours.
    Breaking Bad is just fascinating to watch, isn't it?

  2. More hours=more money and that's a good thing :)

    Breaking Bad is an extremely well done show and one that I need to catch up on!

  3. That's awesome - both the show and contract work! Congrats!!

  4. More hours? Nice. Remember your Nano prep and have fun you 'Bad Girl'.

  5. Congrats on more hours! And cooler weather at this time of year is definitely nice.

  6. Congrats on getting more hours at work. I'm finding the weather a little to cool for my taste, but I did treat myself to some nice new gloves today to help keep my fingers nice and warm. :)

  7. Great news on the job front, Laura. Happy weekend.

  8. I can't wait to hear what you think of Breaking Bad as you get further in Laura. I joined the party very late myself last month but now I'm closing in on finishing it with just the fifth series to watch, it gets better and better!

  9. I still haven't got to Breaking Bad. I must do that. Congrats on your new hours at work. That's great news!

  10. I am hoping Breaking Bad will come to New Zealand, I read so much about it on the web. Congrats on more work hours.

    Rhonda ~ Celebrating at Laugh Quotes

  11. Glad you are working the extra hours and you'll be able to take more holiday time. Have a great weekend, Laura. D

  12. I stopped watching BB after the Pollo guy came on board. He gave me too many sleepless nights.

  13. YAY to the extra hours and money and holiday time!

  14. Mo' money, mo' money, mo' money! That's a good thing indeed!

    I'd forgotten to mention in my list my addiction to Survivors BBC. I watched the whole two seasons in less than a week... then to find out there'll be no third season! :) May you take the time you need to prep for NaNo. Writer’s Mark

  15. Glad to hear about the hours being contracted now. that is good for loads of reasons and shows they appreciate what you are doing.

    I know nothing of this show but folk seemto like it....... I have watched Black Books a few times now and still love it, but just don't get to see much on TV these days.

  16. I'm glad you're getting paid for those extra hours now - that's important! Best wishes with NaNo!

  17. I'm really glad to hear that you're getting paid for your extra hours!



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