What's Up Wednesday

What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Erin L Funk and Jaime Morrow, and the idea is to let other bloggers know where you are with any writing and reading goals you may have.

It's broken down into four headings:

1. What I'm Reading

Currently reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, I'm right at the end now so it's Deathly Hallows next, my favourite! Then I'll be able to read the many other books I have waiting for me.

2. What I'm Writing (+ Writing Goal)

I haven't done much writing as of yet, but that'll change today! I've worked out a goal system: to revise two chapters of my 2013 NaNo novel a week, while working on my A to Z posts in between. I'm planning on doing a chapter of revisions on each of my days off, since I never get anything done on the days when I'm at work.

3. What Works for Me

Planning, and making sure I have time to do the thing I've planned to do when I've planned to do it. For example, planning to work on my NaNo novel only on my days off, like I said above.

4. What Else I've Been Up To

I had a great 3 day weekend; I spent Friday shopping with my mum, Saturday I got my hair done (for the first time in about a year) and Sunday I went over to my mum's for a Sunday roast. I was sad to go back to work on Monday! 


  1. A whole chapter of revisions on each day off? That's ambitious! I like your style.

  2. A chapter of revisions a day - that's two a week, which is a good pace.

  3. Every Wednesday when I see where you are in rereading Harry Potter, I want to go back and read the series again. Then I talk myself out of it.

  4. whoot! Goals are always a great place to start when you're in a slump. Thanks for sharing. Good luck. :D

  5. Best of luck with the revision goal! :)

  6. Yay for days off and spending time with family! I'm stoked for everyone preparing for the A to Z Challenge. I'm bowing out this year in favor of the baby, but I'm excited to see what everyone will be blogging about. I'm sure you have an epic theme.

  7. Good luck with your goals! And enjoy the Harry Potter books -- what a magical series!

  8. Goodness, Laura, you just jogged my memory - I need a hair job!
    Sounds like you've got quite the plan. Wish you best of luck with it!(smile)

  9. I am working on the A to Z . . . . I have abandoned poetry this in favour of Victorians.

    A Sunday Roast. . . . .YUM


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