Celebrate the Small Things and Express Yourself

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop hosted by Viklit over at Scribblings of an Aspiring Author. The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week.

Here's what I'm celebrating this week:

- I've finished my dissertation! I sent it off to get bound yesterday, and I hand it in next Wednesday. It's so nice to finally have it done and finished, though it's been such a big part of my life for the last few months that I don't know what to do with myself now! I'm sure I'll find something :)

- My sister graduated on Tuesday with a 2:1 BA Honours degree in Law. The graduation was amazing; the ceremony was held in Lincoln Cathedral, which is where I had my undergraduate graduation, and it's just beautiful. We had a great day celebrating.

- My sister and I saw a friend on Wednesday who we haven't seen in about two years, so it was nice to have a catch up with him! He's about to do a Masters at Edinburgh University, so I imagine it'll be a long while before we see him again! He did say something about us visiting him at Christmas. 

And now for the Express Yourself meme, co-hosted by Dani and Jackie. Each week bloggers answer a different question, so they can get to know each other better.

This week's post is to share some photos of anything you want. I haven't posted pictures on here in a while, so this should be fun!

The first and only time I've ever seen them lay near each other without hissing.
P.S. Look how big Misty is now!
She likes to lay on my bookshelf, though I think she has to squeeze herself in now.

This is one of my favourite pictures of her - I love it when she falls asleep with her mouth open. 
And here's one where she's wide awake :)
Here are some from Spain (I will do a full post eventually, I promise!)

My sister and I in Benidorm
My sister and I at a castle in Alicante
Our shadows...
And Benidorm again :)
And finally a couple from Tuesday's Graduation:

This is an actual tree-trunk that's been carved, it looks amazing! This is in Lincoln Castle, where the graduation reception was held :)


  1. Congratulations to your sister. And to you! Next Wednesday you're done.
    Cute photos. You definitely look like sisters.

  2. Congratulations to you and your sister, Laura! That;s wonderful news for both of you! So glad you had a nice celebration. The pictures are spectacular. Thank you so much for sharing them. Happy weekend.

  3. Awesome pics! Congratulations to your sister ;)

    And yay for the dissertation and for catching up with a friend who you wont see for a while!

  4. Congrats to your sister, that's fabulous. Great pics, I particularly like the ones of Misty, so cute! Have a lovely weekend.

  5. What great pics. You guys look like you had such fun in Spain and your kitties are too cute!! I want to cuddle them both. <3

    Congratulations on finishing the dissertation, woo-hoo! :)

  6. Wonderful pics!!! Congrats on finishing you dissertation and congrats to your sister too!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Love the pics! and congrats on your dissertation!

  8. Congratulations on completing your dissertation. Great pictures and I just adore the cats... rrrraaawwwrrr... hehehe Have a fantastic weekend and a great week ahead. :)

  9. Congratulations on finishing your dissertation. So, what next?

  10. Congratulations to both you and your sister Laura, incredibly awesome news from both of you.

  11. Congratulations! Onward and upward. Love that photo with your cat's mouth open. Sweet.

  12. Congratulations on finishing your dissertation! That's awesome!
    Those pics are super cute!

  13. CONGRATS on the dissertation finish! And to graduation for your sis!

    What lovely pics!

  14. Those are really great pictures!! Congrats on the dissertation!!

  15. Yay! Congrats on graduation, and goodness, you're making me want to hope a plane to Spain.

  16. I'm celebrating my potential promotion?

  17. Love the pictures! The ones of your cats are so adorable. My favourite is the shot of the cat sleeping on your bookshelf. Your trip to Spain looks so sunny and beautiful, and I love that you went with your sister! :)

  18. I like the picture of the cat wide awake. I like taking trips with my sister, too!


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