R is for Rhea

Rhea was the daughter of Uranus and Gaia, and was known as the mother of gods. She was married to her brother, Cronus, who is famous for castrating his father, causing the creation of the Furies from his blood.

Cronus grew worried that his children would overthrow him, and so swallowed them whole to prevent it from happening. Rhea didn't want all this fate for all of her children, and so gave Cronus a rock wrapped in infant clothing instead of her son Zeus. He swallowed it whole, believing he was safe from all of his children, and Zeus was hidden away.

When Zeus had come of age, he came back and overpowered his father, forcing him to regurgitate his other siblings.


  1. Well you have to say this story gets off to a bad start and does not get better. I think some of these Greek Gods need to go to therapy.

    Still it could be worse, those Greek Gods might have settled down and decided to join the Single European Currency . . . . . . . AH DAMN

  2. EEEEW! Those are some seriously gross story lines to follow. :)

  3. This is ummm...different... But I'm staying for more. Definitely following.

    Sania at Embracing Dawn

  4. Hi,
    Stopping by on the A to Z challenge and have nominated you for a Liebster:

  5. Hi,
    Stopping by on the A to Z challenge and have nominated you for a Liebster:

  6. He was right about his children then. Still not sure swallowing them was the best solution!

  7. I'd say living that long in someone's stomach had to be a terrible kind of hell.

  8. What a scary but interesting tale :-) I am enjoying reading through your a-z posts.



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