K is for Keres

The Keres were the female spirits of violent or cruel death (Thanatos was the spirit of peaceful death).

They were agents of the Fates and the spirit of Doom. They are women dressed in bloody clothes, often with fangs and talons. They craved blood and feasted upon it after ripping souls from mortally wounded bodies, and sending them to Hades. Thousands of Keres haunted battlefields, and fought over the dying like vultures.

The Keres may have been released by Pandora when she opened her jar.


  1. So I think we can say that the Ancient Greeks liked a good vampire story too.

  2. And there was I thinking Keres sounds like such a nice name... :-/

  3. That Pandora had a lot to answer for!

  4. Great theme, Laura.

    Lol, Ernie. I'm with you there on the name. The Greeks were quite creepy in themselves, weren't they?

  5. These monsters definitely aren't the nicest of people haha, love this post though, never heard of these guys before.

  6. Haven't heard of Keres before. Sounds very creepy. Thanks for releasing that one Pandora...

  7. Very interesting in a horrifying kind of way.

  8. Oooh...I've never heard of these but they sound awful. My mind is instantly wondering if there is anyway one of them could be reformed. Or if someone could somehow be half-kere and half something else. Something good. And what kind of battle would be going on in that creature. And what situation could motivate someone to want to save a Kere long enough to try to reform it or mate with it. Hmmmm....ideas...ideas....

  9. So violence is nothing new.

  10. I love the scary, freaky side of mythology. It makes me wonder what it would have been like to be a Keres. Like, what if you were squeamish? I wouldn't want to rip the souls from dead warriors. ;)


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