I is for Icarus

The story of Icarus is one of my favourite myths.
Daedalus and his son Icarus had been imprisoned in the Labyrinth (which Daedalus built himself) by King Minos of Crete, because Daedalus gave Ariadne the string which saved Theseus. Daedalus created a pair of wings each for himself and his son to enable their escape. The wings were made from wax and feathers, and Daedalus warned Icarus of the dangers of flying too close to the sun and the sea before they left.

Once Icarus began flying, however, he became so giddy with the feeling that he forgot his father’s warnings. He soared high into the sky, and the sun melted the wax holding the feathers in place. He plummeted to the sea and drowned. 

The area which he apparently fell in is called the Icarian Sea, near an island called Icaria. 


  1. I remember hearing this myth and finding it extremely interesting, real shame that he didn't heed his warnings because that ability would still be awesome nowadays.

  2. I do stuff Like this all the time.... Well Done Miss Laura not so far to Z now (sort of).

  3. Someone just told me this story the other day, and I had to look read it for myself. Fascinating.

  4. I guess it means, freedom is great, but you also have to take responsibility about things.

  5. How have I been missing your A to Z posts? Uncool. And soon to be rectified. This is an AWESOME theme. And I love the story of Icarus. It's so tragic and interesting at the same time. It's one of my very favorite greek myths.

  6. I love how imaginative the Greek Myths are. Enjoyed your post.

    Nice to meet you through the A to Z!

  7. Lovely to see these stories nice and short! I am fascinated by the Minoan culture, and love the way the Greeks turned Knossos into a maze, when in fact it was just an architectural style that had no corridors, so every room opened off another room. I had fun in my novel, writing about Ancient Crete, and making up a religion for them!

  8. I've actually heard this story before! I think it was when we covered ancient Greece in history when I was in grade school. I think the Greek myths are absolutely fascinating.

    What a fun theme for your A-Z posts! Well done! :)

    Living in the Light
    A to Z Ambassador

  9. Another one I didn't hear of before! I'm enjoying this theme so much ;)

  10. I've always liked this story because it reminds us not to overstep our reach.

    Left and Write

  11. Loving your A-Z theme! I recently read this story to my daughter.


  12. I could swear I saw an animated version of this story at some point... or claymation? One of those.

  13. I remember being fascinated by the story of Icarus when I was a child. It's still a great story and I love it's message.

    Happy A to Zing! :-)


  14. One of my favorite myths too! I did a flash fiction last year which featured Icarus' mother :-)

  15. I found out about this tale from the God Of War game. It is a cool myth.

  16. I hadn't heard of this before...I will have to read more now :)
    Happy A-Z1

  17. Learnt this when I was a child!


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