N is for Nicaea

By Periquitoloco (Own work) [CC-BY-1.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/1.0), GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) or CC-BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
Nicaea was a nymph and a follower of Artemis. She was loved by a shepherd named Hymnos, but his persistence distressed her so she shot him through the heart with an arrow. Eros (Cupid) was furious with her cruelty, and so inspired Dionysus to fall in love with her.
She resisted Dionysus for a while, but then he got her drunk and had his way with her, leaving her pregnant with her daughter, Telete. Nicaea then hung herself, and Dionysus named the town of Nicaea after her.


  1. They have done it again, even Cupid is manipulating things so it all ends in tears. I hope when we get to Z and the big man himself, he waves a wand and everyone lives happily ever after.

  2. I love mythology. So many happy stories...

  3. Not very many happy ending in Greek Myth. are there?

  4. Have you ever seen "The midlife crisis of Dionysus"? It's a one-act play, and pokes gentle fun at the myths. There's a doctor in it who wears a wrist-sundial. Hilarious!

  5. I absolutely love Dionysus, he's such a bugger but honestly in a good way, she shouldn't have been so cruel to the sheepard to be honest haha.

  6. Ah, the soap opera of mythology. I really like your topic this month!

  7. Glad Dionysus didn't glamourise alcohol too much, unless such behaviour was admirable back then!

  8. All I can say is, I'm glad I'm not Greek god and subject to one. :)

  9. They were a very dramatic bunch weren't they. So sad for her...

  10. Greek mythology - nice! The Greeks were a creative bunch with such rich mythology. Wonder what the real message of this one is?

    Stopping by from the A to Z Challenge - curious to see what you focus on for the rest of the letters!


  11. Greek mythology - nice! The Greeks were a creative bunch with such rich mythology. Wonder what the real message of this one is?

    Stopping by from the A to Z Challenge - curious to see what you focus on for the rest of the letters!



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