Celebrate the Small Things

It's that time of week again! If you're looking for my A to Z post, go here.

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop hosted by Viklit over at Scribblings of an Aspiring Author. The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week.

This week I'm celebrating:

- I've written enough poems to fill my pamphlet for an assignment due on the 24th. The minimum page number we need to have is 16 and my poems fill 28 pages, so I'm happy with that. Now I just need to edit them and my pamphlet will be ready to go. They're based on Greek myths, by the way :)

- I'm going to spend today tackling my ghost story, which is due on the 24th as well, and then the only assignment I'll have left will be my dissertation in September.

- I only have 3 more days at work then I have 10 days off. I got the time off mostly so I can use it to make sure my assignments are as good as they can be, but it will also be nice just to have a break from work.


  1. You should be able to do your editing and have a break during your time off work. Hope you have a good weekend :)

  2. Well done on the time off Laura. The poetry work sounds good too, you're accomplishing so much!

  3. Wow so much accomplished! Yay for you. I'm glad you'll have some time for yourself and to polish the poems ;)

  4. Enjoy your time off! I hope you'll post some of your poems soon! :)

  5. YAY to nearly having 10 days off, that's GREAT!

  6. Great job, Laura! And enjoy your time off. I'd love to see some of the poems!

  7. You almost doubled the page count - well done!

  8. You're a workaholic Laura!

  9. Sounds like you're almost there with your school work. Yay for time off.

  10. You're SO on top of things. I don't think I was ever that on top of things in college! Gosh, I want to go back so bad!!!


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