Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop hosted by Viklit over at Scribblings of an Aspiring Author. The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week.

I've had a really bad week. I don't think it's really for any reason in particular, just feeling very overwhelmed, like I mentioned in my ISWG post on Wednesday. So I'm glad it's time for this blog hop, as it reminds me that I do have things to celebrate.
- even though I haven't had much motivation, I've still got a lot of writing done.
- I've chosen my theme for the A to Z challenge, and it coincides with one of my assignments, so my A to Z posts will basically be research for it; two birds, one stone!
- I've finally redesigned my blog, after weeks of meaning to. I like the new look much better, the old one was a little too busy.

Hope you all have a lot to celebrate. 


  1. Congratulations on the new blog look and the A to Z theme. And great on the writing! :)

  2. The A to Z idea is pretty genius Laura, it's a shame you've been a little overwhelmed this week but at least you still have some things to hold appreciation for.

  3. Look how fantastic you are to come up with an amazing plan to takle 2 projects at once in spite of feeling overwhelemed! Great idea.

    Congrats on the writing and the new look ;)

  4. Sorry to hear you were having a bad week. You're right that this weekly hop is great for remedying that.

    Like your blog layout. Glad you got a lot of writing done, and I agree that it's great to use AtoZ to accomplish more than one thing. I am, too.

  5. Blog looks LOVELY. I am sorry you are feeling overwhelmed, and hope celebrating today has helped.

  6. Love the new look blog, I'm also using the A-Z Blog challenge to help with something else.

    Good luck with the posts!

  7. Pleased you have your A to Z theme sorted, I too have mine sorted and am gradually getting it together,

    Enjoy your week-end.

  8. I'm glad you're able to focus on things you can celebrate despite your week. Hopefully things will start to look up. I am happy for you for getting your writing done!

  9. I guess I can celebrate the fact that my midterms are done. :P

  10. Gosh, I didn't know about the celebrate small things blog hop, but I''m celebrating having a 20% request rate by giving away a query critique on my blog. I'm doing the A-Z challenge too...I think I'll do it about dogs!

  11. Love the new blog look Laura!
    Congrats on choosing your AtoZ theme... now you can get stuck into planning...

  12. Your new look is soothing and comfortable. Two birds with one stone on A - Z isn't bad either! (Raises glass in cheers to you!)

  13. Sorry to hear you had a lousy week, I hope the coming one is much better. I love the new look of your blog, looks gorgeous. :)

  14. This is a great idea for a blog hop. Always good to look back and find the positive! I love that! And you definitely have some things to celebrate! Great work!

  15. Sounds like you had a great week and got a lot accomplished! Nice on figuring out an AtoZ topic!


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