Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop hosted by Viklit over at Scribblings of an Aspiring Author. The idea is to post anything you want to celebrate from the last week.

This week I'm celebrating:

- Getting back on track with NaNoWriMo - I got a little behind with my project earlier on in the week, but I'm back on track now. I'm hoping to power through and try to get it done a little early, so I can devote my full time and energy to moving on the 29th. 

- Speaking of the move, my mum and I have got a lot done this week, mainly packing and organising. Just two weeks to go, which is quite scary! Exciting at the same time, though.

- I watched Thor for the first time on Tuesday with my boyfriend - I've been meaning to watch it for ages, and it was worth the wait! Hopefully I'll get to see the new one soon.


  1. Well done on doing all the packing and getting back on track with NaNo too, just keep on going!

  2. I find packing always appears to go to plan until the last day and then somehow it turns into chaos, good luck.

  3. Packing and moving house, always so much to do! Keep going with the writing.

  4. Great to hear about your writing progress, Laura. Also, best wishes on the moving ordeal. I hope everything goes as planned and you're soon enjoying your new home.

  5. Yay for getting back on track with NaNo. I'm sure you'll end up a winner at the end of the month. I hope your move goes smoothly and you love your new place!

  6. Yay for NaNo progress! I'm with you every step of the way!!!

  7. I'm glad you and your mom got some packing done, that's a good head start ;)

  8. It's always nice to see the end of hard work. I'm also looking forward to seeing the new Thor.

  9. Hey, I hope you're still kicking it with you NaNoing. (THOR IS THE MOST AMAZING AWESOMENESS TO HIT THE SCREEN IN LIKE, FOREVER!!!! <--I maybe a little obsessed.)

  10. Moving is a lot of work. Here's to your continued success and smooth transitions.

  11. Moving is tough work - and I'm totally impressed by your NaNoing and moving! Thor is super fun!


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