What's Up Wednesday

What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Erin L Funk and Jaime Morrow, and the idea is to let other bloggers know where you are with any writing and reading goals you may have.

1. What I'm reading
Another slow reading week, I'm still reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire but I should finish it today, I'm right at the end (the best bit!)

2. What I'm writing
I've just finished all of the second drafts for my dissertation. I ended up scrapping one of my stories, because it just wasn't working. I figured I was better off spending the time I could have used trying to make it work working on the other stories instead, to make them better. So now I have six stories, instead of seven.

3. What else I've been up to
I've mostly been working and writing over the past week, as usual, but I also did something a little out of the ordinary (for me) last night. My sister and I have been meaning to start exercising recently, but we never really got around to it. Last night, however, we went to the park around the corner and had a nice long workout, and I'm really glad we did! We'll definitely be keeping it up.

4. What inspires me right now
I'm inspired by the work I've already done on my dissertation, and how it seems to be going quite well. I have three weeks left until my dissertation is due in, and I'm confident that I'll have it ready in time. 


  1. Hope you can continue with the workouts. They will make you feel better.

  2. Good luck in finishing that dissertation, that's great you feel good about it!

  3. Congrats on all the progress with the dissertation! And yes - isn't exercise so wonderful? For the body and the soul. It's also great for letting my mind wander. And wonder. :)

    Have a great week!

  4. I hope that you keep feeling inspired and keep up with the exercise Laura, exercise is so good for you.

  5. Sorry you had to scrap one of your stories :( Sometimes a fresh start works wonders though. Can't wait to hear about your dissertation and those 6 other stories :)

  6. How exciting- won't you feel so great when all this is over and you get to write for fun?

  7. Great progress! Good luck with your dissertation! :)

  8. 3 more HP books to go. Wow, I don't think I could reread all those books as fast as you.
    Thanks for sharing. Good luck with you dissertation.

  9. Your life is packed, Laura! Phew. Exciting stuff. And it's smart to sometimes simplify... I think that was the right decision!

  10. YAY! Sounds like you've got everything right where it needs to be. I assume you're planning a huge celebration when the dissertation is up and away.

  11. Dissertation! Now that sounds important. Good luck working on that. And congrats on getting out in the fresh air for some exercise. Not easy for us writers... :)

  12. Awww... the last part of GOBLET OF FIRE. When I read that to my family, my wife cried at the part when Cedric... :( *ahem* Anyway...

    All the best with the dissertation, Laura! :)

  13. Good job with the writing and the exercising. I try to workout every morning before sitting down to write.

  14. Give yourself a pat on the back! Keep moving forward! I'm sure you will get it all done before those three weeks are up.

  15. When I was working on my master's thesis, I couldn't read anything else. It was a very bad 6 months. Good luck getting the dissertation finished.

  16. Good luck with finishing your dissertation on time! That's something to be really proud of accomplishing.

  17. I think Goblet of Fire had one of the most powerful climaxes. I've been meaning to start working out as well...for a long time now...but keep pushing it back. I have to stop letting life get in the way. Best of luck in finishing your dissertation!

  18. Good luck in the home stretch on your dissertation! As for the Harry Potter series, the nights have been getting cool here and I can feel fall around the corner. Whenever that happens I always have a craving to sit down and read the HP books again. I think it's the approach of Halloween that brings it on. :)

  19. Good luck in finishing that dissertation! Have a great weekend!

  20. Hello Laura. Lovely to meet you. Thank you for following Write...Edit...Publish. As a creative writer, I hope you can try your hand at something for the WEP permanent monthly bloghop. The September challenge is MOVING ON. Perhaps you can find something for the theme. We love new writers!

    Good luck with your dissertation!


  21. YAY on moving forward with that dissertation. Keep plugging away at it, and it will be done before you know it! Have a great writing week!

  22. Congrats on doing so well with the dissertation! Before you know it, you'll be completely finished. :-)

  23. Congrats on the workouts! You'd be surprised what it can do to help clear your mind and freshen up your brain before you write again. I swear by it.

  24. Happy to hear that your dissertation is coming along nicely. And that's awesome that you and your sis have started working out together. If my sister lived closer, I know we'd do the same. You're making me want to read Harry Potter again. GOBLET OF FIRE is my favourite one of the bunch! I think I might have to start them up again once fall arrives. That feels appropriate. :) Sorry to hear that you trunked a WIP, but that's understandable. I guess now you'll have time to tackle the other stories you're working on, right? Have a great week, Laura! :D

  25. Congrats on how things are going with your dissertation and also getting some exercise time in.

  26. I would just file away the seventh story and let it resolve itself in the future. One day it might be a masterpiece.


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