My Goals for August!

Ok, so July seemed to fly by really fast for me, I can't believe it's August already! That means it's time for my monthly goal post. You can find the one for July here.

My first goal for July was to stop indulging my sweet tooth so much, and although I've still been munching on the odd sweet thing, I certainly haven't indulged myself as much as I did in July, so that's good.

My second goal was to learn a full song on the keyboard, and I failed dismally. I started off really well, and learnt about half of it in a week, and then just lost motivation completely.

My third goal was to read at least two books on the unread pile on my bookshelf, which I actually managed to do! I actually did this one really well, I managed to read 3 full books and I'm halfway through another.

My fourth goal was to work on my Water short story and try to turn it into a novel, and this was quite successful because I'm actually taking part in Camp NaNoWriMo this month, and I'm using that for the novel I'm writing.

Here are my Goals for August:

1. I need to do some more overtime at work, I'm determined to get out of my overdraft! I'd quite like to be able to buy things again.

2. Finish Camp NaNoWriMo - it's going well do far, but of course I'm only one day in so there's a lot of time for it to go drastically wrong! I did 2100 words yesterday, and the minimum I need to do each day to reach the goal is 1600, so if I can keep that up I'll be fine.

3. I need to write my entry for the What If? Fairytale Blogfest, which I keep forgetting about! I meant to write it before Camp NaNo started, but I forgot. I'll have to make some time!

4. Read a couple more books - I'm trying to get through my unread pile so I can re-read some of my favourites!

5. Keep up with my blog while taking part in Camp NaNo - I think this will be quite hard, but as long as I plan my blog posts in my spare time I should be ok!


  1. I hope you get to achieve your goals. Really admirable that you make monthly goals and stick to them. Maybe I should take a leaf out of your book.

    1. It's helpful just having my goals written down so I know what I want to do, you should give it a try :)

  2. Best of luck in completing all of these goals Laura and a big congratulations on doing so well in the other goals, like I swear I couldn't learn even half a song on the keyboard so you should be proud of that, completing everything else is amazing.

    Do you mean that you haven't indulged as much in July as you did last year or in June by the way? Regardless I wouldn't worry about not eating sweet things too much, everyone deserves a treat!

    1. Thanks! I would be more proud if I hadn't been learning the song since November! Sorry, I meant June, my bad! I'm glad you say that, I certainly agree, everyone does deserve a treat! And I like my treats :)

  3. I know this is going to be a hectic writing month for you, but I'm passing these awards on to you because you deserve them. There's no pressure to do anything with them right away.

    Best of luck with your goals. Yikes, they look scary!

    1. Thank you very much!
      They are very scary! Hopefully I will do ok though, I will definitely do my best :)

  4. Sounds like you've got a busy August ahead of you!

    1. Definitely! Can't wait for a nice quiet September! :)

  5. Yay for meeting most of your goals! That's awesome. Wish I could say the same :)

    1. Thanks! They were fairly easy goals though :)

  6. Good luck with your Camp NaNo project!

  7. Good luck with your goals! It sounds like you're going to have a super busy month! I've got to force myself to work harder on my blog, I keep losing my motivation :(

    So nice that you're reading so much, you're inspiring me to do the same!

    1. Thanks!
      Yeah, I'll be glad when it's September and I can relax!
      I've missed reading a lot so it's nice to be reading so much again, I love the feeling of being so engrossed in a book that you can't put it down! :)

  8. Good goals. I hope you manage them, but if not, hey. You can always make them September's goals.

    1. Thanks! That's true, there's always going to be more time :)


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